My Methodology
Field research and theoretical models ideally structure the results of broad-based studies and help to understand and visualize them.
Based on own and external experiences on a specific topic, a deeper understanding of the situation, the effects and the contexts emerges. Group work and discussions support and strengthen the understanding. This step is essential for the later implementation.
Each participant creates a simple, clear and executable goal.
Implementing the goals in real life takes some courage at the beginning. The effect of leadership is only visible in reality and therefore it has to be applied. This includes successes and failures, good conversations and good conflicts and a lot of experiences.
Learning Curve
As leaders, it is important that we understand how we impact our team members and whether we are able to inspire other people for a higher goal and ultimately for ourselves. People follow people. Therefore, feedback from outsiders of any kind is the most valuable feedback. This can come from colleagues, superiors or from your own team members. However, time for self-reflection should not be neglected. The combination of feedback and self-reflection provides the best learning curve.
Learning review
Results help to understand whether and how the goals have been achieved and what corrections are needed or what new goals have to be set.